Saturday, 30 April 2011

Hunting for Bunting.

Yes I think that title is very clever. No I'm not ashamed to blow my own horn.

Formalities out of the way, street photography was a bit of a lost art for myself, ever since my series of photographs 'Watch' I haven't properly returned to the subject. I still harbour the same influences: Philip Lorca diCorcia, Bruce Gilden and Martin Parr to name a few. 

After a lengthy amount of time googling privacy laws and the and how the legality of a) taking photographs in public and b) taking photographs without peoples consent, I hopped on my bike and went on a hunt.

Much like a deer hunter will observe his prey, a photographer must do the same, approach each situation accordingly and most importantly, smile. What I had forgotten about the experience was the thrill of the chase, interacting with people and capturing that moment, The one where you don't even need to check the screen, you just know something special is there. Unfortunately on my return to the streets I didn't have any Cartier-Bresson style decisive moments but I did snap some rather interesting things and several celebrations of the royal wedding. 

Check them out below.